Lord Krishna Killed Aghasura and rekindled life in his dead friends

When Lord Krishna was enjoying His childhood pastimes with His friends, one Aghasura demon became very impatient.He was sent by Krishna's maternal uncle king Kansa to kill krishna. Aghasura was unable to see Krishna playing, so he appeared before the boys intending to kill them all. This Aghasura was so dangerous that even the denizens of heaven were afraid of him. Although the denizens of heaven drank nectar daily to prolong their lives, they were afraid of this Aghasura and were wondering, "When will the demon be killed?" The denizens used to drink nectar to become immortal, but actually they were not confident of their immortality. On the other hand, the boys who were playn immortality is confidently assured.

The demon Aghasura appeared before Krishna and His friends. Aghasura happened to be the younger brother of Putana and Bakasura, and he thought, "Krishna has killed my brother and sister. Now I shall kill Him along with all His friends and calves." Aghasura was instigated by Kamsa, so he had come with determination. Aghasura also began to think that when he would offer grains and water in memory of his brother and kill Krishna and all the cowherd boys, then automatically all the inhabitants of Vrndavana would die. Generally, for the householders, the children are the life and breath force. When all the children die, then naturally the parents also die on account of strong affection for them.

Aghasura, thus deciding to kill all the inhabitants of Vrndavana, expanded himself by the yogic siddhi called mahima. The demons are generally expert in achieving almost all kinds of mystic powers. In the yoga system, by the perfection called mahima-siddhi, one can expand himself as he desires. The demon Aghasura expanded himself up to eight miles and assumed the shape of a very fat serpent. Having attained this wonderful body, he stretched his mouth open just like a mountain cave. Desiring to swallow all the boys at once, including Krishna and Balarama, he sat on the path.

The demon in the shape of a big fat serpent expanded his lips from the land to the sky; his lower lip was touching the ground and his upper lip was touching the clouds. His jaws appeared like a big mountain cave, without limitation, and his teeth appeared just like mountain summits. His tongue appeared to be a broad traffic way, and he was breathing just like a hurricane. The fire of his eyes was blazing. At first the boys thought that the demon was a statue, but after examining it, they saw it was more like a big serpent lying down in the road and widening his mouth. The boys began to talk among themselves: "This figure appears to be a great animal, and he is sitting in such a posture just to swallow us all. Just see - is it not a big snake that has widened his mouth to eat all of us?"

One of them said, "Yes, what you say is true. This animal's upper lip appears to be just like the sunshine, and its lower lip is just like the reflection of red sunshine on the ground. Dear friends, just look to the right and left hand side of the mouth of the animal. Its mouth appears to be like a mountain cave, and its height cannot be estimated. The chin is also raised like a mountain summit. That long highway appears to be its tongue, and inside the mouth is as dark as in a mountain cave. The hot wind that is blowing like a hurricane is his breathing, and the fishy bad smell coming out from his mouth is the smell of his intestines."
Lord Krishna Killed Aghasura and rekindled life in his dead friends
Then they further consulted amongst themselves: "If we all at one time entered into the mouth of this great serpent, how could it possibly swallow all of us? And even if it were to swallow all of us at once, it could not swallow Krishna. Krishna will immediately kill him, as He did Bakasura." Talking in this way, all the boys looked at the beautiful lotus-like face of Krishna, and they began to clap and smile. And so they marched forward and entered the mouth of the gigantic serpent.

Meanwhile, Krishna, who is the Supersoul within everyone's heart, could understand that the big statuesque figure was a demon. While He was planning how to stop the destruction of His friends, all the boys along with their cows and calves entered the mouth of the serpent. But Krishna did not enter. The demon was awaiting Krishna's entrance, and he was thinking, "Everyone has entered except Krishna, who has killed my brothers and sisters."
Krishna is the assurance of safety to everyone. But when He saw that His friends were already out of His hands and were lying within the belly of a giant serpent, He became, momentarily, aggrieved. He was also struck with wonder how the external energy works so wonderfully. He then began to consider how the demon should be killed and how He could save the boys and calves. Although there was no factual concern on Krishna's part, He was thinking like that. Finally, after some deliberation, He also entered the mouth of the demon. When Krishna entered, all the demigods, who had gathered to see the fun and who were hiding within the clouds, began to express had also entered the mouth of the demon.

While the demon was trying to smash Krishna and His companions, Krishna heard the demigods crying, "Alas, alas," and He immediately began to expand Himself within the throat of the demon. Although he had a gigantic body, the demon choked by the expanding of Krishna. His big eyes moved violently, and he quickly suffocated. His life-air could not come out from any source, and ultimately it burst out of a hole in the upper part of his skull. Thus his life-air passed off. After the demon dropped dead, Krishna, with His transcendental glance alone, brought all the dead boys and calves back to consciousness and came with them out of the mouth of the demon. While Krishna was in the mouth of Aghasura, the demon's spirit soul came out like a dazzling light, illuminating all directions, and waited in the sky. As soon as Krishna with His calves and friends came out of the mouth of the demon, that glittering effulgent light immediately merged into the body of Krishna within the vision of all the demigods.

For Sri Krishna it is not at all difficult to award one the opportunity of merging with His eternal body. This He awarded to Aghasura. Aghasura was certainly the most sinful living entity, and it is not possible for the sinful to merge into the existence of the Absolute Truth. But in this particular case, because Krishna entered into Aghasura's body, the demon became fully cleansed of all sinful reaction and thus merged into the supreme soul and attain salvation.

Also read, Lord Kapil and his teachings to his mother Devahuti:

*** Hare Krishna ***